
Android 8.1 Oreo features

TECHNOCOM , Android 8.1 is more of a maintenance release than a feature one, and most users won’t notice many things that are different. But it does bring one big change to the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL: It unlocks  Pixel Visual Core , Google’s first custom-designed coprocessor dedicated to image processing. For whatever reason, the chip was dormant in 8.0, but now developers can tap its benefits. All we know for sure is that Visual Core improves the speed and power efficiency of shooting in HDR+ mode. Most users probably won’t notice an immediate change, but the Pixel Visual Core could lead to bigger changes in the future. logo android Oreo Automatic dark and light theme When Android Oreo launched, one of the things it was missing was a dark theme, a feature that has been teased in developer previews for years. However, while there isn’t a switch to turn the interface dark, Pixel 2 users discovered that they could “trick” Android into displaying a dark back